Sag Harbor 2025 Farmers Market

may 17th-oct 25th Saturday 9 am-1 pm

bay and Burke in front of Breakwater Yacht Club

Online Application

Local farm fruit and produce

Fresh local seafood, olive oil, pastries, breads, cookies, cheese, pickles, granola, pasta, kombucha, fresh juices, pasture raised meats, honey, soap, mushrooms, flowers, knife sharpening and more...

Our Mission

The mission of the East End Farmers Markets is to:

  • Provide local farmers, fishers, and food producers an opportunity to sell their wares directly to the consumer

  • Provide homegrown and homemade fresh nutritious foods to the community

  • Foster social gatherings, community activity, and education for the purpose of sustaining the growth of local agriculture and entrepreneurship

  • Support the farmer and in that way preserve farmland for the next generation